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The Arno
The rising floodwaters
The beginning of the tragedy
Ponte Vecchio at risk
The floodwaters fill Piazza Duomo
An estimate of all the damage
Piazza Santa Croce
after the disaster
All that is left of Ponte Vecchio
Ghost city. Florence by night after the flood.
The roads
Getting potable water from the Nettuno's fountain
in Piazza Signoria
The people
Rescue operations
Water being distributed
Emergency rations
Barber shop. People try to save what they can
The bookshop
Marquis Emilio Pucci in his atelier after the flood
A surprise left by the flood
Life goes on. Candle lit market stall
hospital for the elderly
Emergency care in a van
Emergency care at home
The "Mud angels"
The first assistance
from the army
Rescuing the works of art
Rest for the skin divers
In the mud
Saving the books
The books from the Laurentian Library
The books from the National Library
A moment of rest
The solidarity of the German Red Cross
Solidarity from the world of politics
in Italy and abroad
Senator Ted
Kennedy from the USA with the Mayor of Florence Piero Bargellini
Ted Kennedy with the "Mud angels"
Hon. Aldo Moro
Marquis Emilio Pucci, who suffered damage in the
flood, with the President of the Republic Giuseppe Saragat
Some of the more serious damage
The Door of Paradise by Ghiberti in the Baptistery
Prof Baldini esamines the flood damaged Crucifix
by Cimabue
Some of the antique books and sculptures, the heart
of Florentine art, that were seriously damaged by the flood