by Sandro Pintus

Mediartech Special The cultural events and the prizewinning works

Mediartech was not just an exhibition of technological novelties and curiosities created in order to somehow amaze the visitor. The cultural part of the exhibition was not only interesting but above all original and included a series of seminars on communications in general. The show was packed with cultural events which also included the intervention of well known personalities like Derrick de Kerkhove, student of McLuhan in Canada, teacher of the latest methods in communication and Mark Pesce, one of the creators of the Virtual Reality Modelling Language.

Home page of the Florence Art Guide
(Mega Review)
It also included all the latest CD-Roms and virtual visits to museums and cities of art. Mega Review was of course present at the event and the public was in fact enthusiastic about the on line "Florence Art Guide", which was awarded a prize by the jury who praised the wealth of cultural information it contains. An instrument that helps virtual visitors to appreciate Florence as a City of Art more than ever before.The on line "Historical guide to Rome" also won a prize and awards were given to the latest Cds on the "Borghese Gallery" by ENEL, which has been working in electronic publishing for some time now, "I, Paul Cezanne" and "The Dawn of the Atomic era", an interesting work with exceptional documentation, both by Mondadori. A prize was also awarded to the Infogram Multimedia which proposed an extremely interesting and original electronic book on the life of the elephants.

See also: A journey into the world of possibilities Internet today and tomorrow. Interview with Carlo Massarini Interview with Maurizio Nichetti Interview with Francesco Paolantoni


FAN-Florence ART News
Silvia Messeri & Sandro Pintus

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